About Locked Secure Storage

LOCKED is owned and operated by Eric and Elizabeth Wergin in Manitowoc, WI.  We are a busy entrepreneurial couple who enjoy coming up with new ideas that service our community.  We own this historic building pictured below. This 4-story building is massive with 10,000 square feet per floor.  

We've already made good use of the 1st and 4th floors and have come up with another idea for the 2nd floor, indoor storage.  We are familiar with the need for many business professionals to store years of protected paperwork, families and individuals who have a hard time letting go of their stuff, and many people who move out of their homes to downsize, winterize in Florida or go to local nursing homes.  We realize that winters are cold here and summers are warm. Perfect environment for weather related damage or mold to develop when stored on ground level.  

LOCKED provides an atmosphere that is off the ground, has steady temps (50-70 degrees), convenient 24/7 access and plenty of secure space for all of your needs.  We would be happy to give you a tour at any time!